monsiurbeat is a Japanese male singer-songwriter. Acting as producer and truck manufacturer of female vocal work. Position preservation of net label "Positive Records". It is also a member of the rock band · BaaBoo FAZ (keyboard manager), and when he is active as BaaBoo FAZ, he calls "BAABOO MUSH". The original story of the name is "The Tsunku Beat".
The English notation "monsiurbeat" is a misspelling, but it is used as it is as a proper noun.
It is J-POP which emphasizes melody and lyrics. Although it can be said that it is similar to electronic music because of heavy typing, it is a strange record presided over record · The electronic musical element of "monsiurbeat" by Yamaoka Lost child is for expressing pop and his music genre is not techno "As indicated in the remarks, it does not place much emphasis on being electronic music (songs composed only of acoustic musical instruments and bands organized by live performances also exist).
In fact, the musicality that is in the background is extremely miscellaneous, ranging from rock to noise, symphony by orchestral sound, enka, idol songs, folk, techno pop, piano ballads and so on.
In the past, insistence on vocals was poor, and excessive vocal effect was frequently used, but from around 2013 it is relatively inclined to "music that makes the songs listen" relatively straight.
Besides the work sung by himself, there are works using female vocals and works using vocaloids.
Many of the themes of lyrics deal with love affairs, especially unrequited love and broken heart. It is also said to be "Rusanchiman and adoration to the romantic love life is the basis".
Yamaoka Lost child is told that "Although it is life-size, it is also like a rock star."
The main activity field is the online label online, and offline is the live house. It is not very aggressive to contribute to movie sites such as Nico Nico Douga and YouTube and appearance to clubs.
In addition, while active actively on the net label, on the other hand, he is not very much aimed at club music.
Regarding Musashi's musicality, I am familiar with "other best vest" by Toshihiko Furukawa writing.
Theムッシュビ♂ト(ザ ムッシュビート)は、日本の男性シンガーソングライター。女性ボーカル作品のプロデューサーやトラックメーカーとしても活動。ネットレーベル「ポジティヴレコーズ」主宰。ロックバンド・BaaBooFAZのメンバー(キーボード担当)でもあり、BaaBooFAZとしての活動時は「BAABOOムッシュ」と名乗る。名義の元ネタは「THEつんくビ♂ト」。
事実、バックグラウンドとなっている音楽性は極めて雑多であり、 ロックからノイズ、オーケストラサウンドによる交響曲、演歌、アイドル歌謡、フォーク、テクノポップ、ピアノバラードなど、多岐に及ぶ。
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