House Of Tapes / Twinkle Link
House Of Tapes new sounds are glitter and twinkle.
glitter, glitter, glitter.
Please listen and enjoy.
House Of Tapes / NU TEARS
It is an album introduction by Tanukineiri Records.
House Of Tapes is hosted Nagoya's electronic music event "Nago-ele", and the experimental music label "sleep jam records".
He is paranoia trackmaker in Nagoya who continues to attract domestic and international core music listeners in various fields.
House Of Tapes's new album "NU TEARS" is provocatively layered with noise (violence), but it is fascinated without consciousness to his "beauty" "pops" visible in it. Loneliness and despair against politics and everyday, while facing the inside. It inputs "conflict" and "suffering" into the experimental music, it sublimates open and echoes the sound.
House Of Tapes / Window Pain
We are always captive in the window. Whether you are aware of being able to choose the way to be released from its pain or failure. Do you awake?
Arim / Love For You, For Gaza, for the Children. (Japanese Article)
iTunes Link
Arim : プロフィール
2016年より、私は”For Gaza, for the Children”シリーズにて、歌を発信。
”For Gaza, for the Children.”は、「I Believe」「Again」「Love For You」の3曲を収録したミニアルバムです。
これからも、ホッとできる温かな楽しいLove&peaceのArim songsを作っていきたいと思います。
Thank you very much.
① lyrics ♪ "I Believe": Arim
② Lyrics ♪ "Again": Arim
③ Lyrics♪ "Love For You": Arim
・EP ”For Gaza, for the Children.”
作詞、作曲、歌唱 : Arim.
楽曲アレンジ、トラックメイク、録音 : suppa micro pamchopp
・Twitterアカウント : @ari_m11
Saito Koji / Self Healing Force
Saito Koji's "Self Healing Force" is so clearly beautiful Healing us.
Please listen it.
Nagoya-Elektronic- Fes 2017 Summer
Nagoya-Elektronic- Fes 2017 Summer
9月2日(sat)@spazio_rita, Nagoya, Japan.
・SOMA 奏間
・House Of Tapes
VJ ・つかさハニー
open/start 17:30/18:00
Ticket Reserve ¥2000(+1Drink)
With Free Compilation CD
Black Kream / Milk it
Black Kream new released EP"Milk it" .
He makes unique techno sounds.
Please listen it.
He makes unique techno sounds.
Please listen it.
Arim / Love For You, For Gaza, for the Children.
iTunes Link
Arim: Profile
Poet, singer-songwriter.
Since 2016, I sing a songs in the "Love For You, For Gaza, for the Children" series.
It is a song born from the thought of Gaza and the children of the world.
A little closer to the hearts of many people holding sorrow in mind, warm light of hope will be inserted.
I made it with such a wish.
"For Gaza, for the Children." is a mini album containing three songs "I Believe" "Again" "Love For You".
I deeply appreciate the kindness of everyone who listens and I hope that the proceeds will be donated to the "Japan International Volunteer Center" for the children of Gaza and conflict areas.
Donation destination (http://www.ngo-jvc.net/jp/perticipate/fundraise/)
(Please write "Arim" in the remarks column)
From now on I would like to make "Arim songs" of warm and fun Love & peace that I can relax.
Thank you very much. Arim.
① lyrics ♪ "I Believe": Arim
② Lyrics ♪ "Again": Arim
③ Lyrics♪ "Love For You": Arim
. EP "Love For You, For Gaza, for the Childrenm"
Songwriting, composition, singing : Arim.
Music arrange, track makeup, recording : suppa micro pamchopp
. In the poem collection by Mariko Kobayashi (Arim), "Moon reaches the point where it rounds round" "Hikari" "Eternal pump"
.Twitter : @ari_m11
Saito Koji / For Him
Saito Koji 's EP "For Him" will be released from Sleep Jam Records.
"Him" is Saito 's older brother, "he" suffers from cancer.
It is an EP dedicated to Saito's older brother with a lyrical guitar performance.
getnoise@ with kusayou / TODAY
"TODAY" is shoegaze guitar pop song.
It is so nice song.
Please listen and have enjoy.
Various Artists / Different Forms (Japanese article)
■Various Artists / Different Forms
三重県を中心に活動をしている5名のBEAT MAKER、DJ、PRODUCERによるコンピレーション。
三重県というCLUB MUSICのやせた土地から生み出される今作は、そんな土地でも都市部に負けないシーンを生み出すことが出来るということを理解してもらえる作品となっている。
■daiki hayakawa
ゼロ年代から電子音響の世界へ。ビートミュージックの平野からrhythm & soundを展開中。bandcampにてこれまで2枚のEPを発表し、デザインやアートワークの制作も手掛ける。
VINYL ONLY、SCRATCH、2枚使いを念頭に現場での黒光りなPLAYを追求し続ける。MPC1000でのトラックメイクも並行し、ラッパーへの楽曲提供も行っている。
3枚のMIX CDの他に2017.3月には、過去の作品や未発表音源を収録したBEAT ALBUM「FIGMEMTS」を自主制作。STREETに向けて展開している。
■Tomohiro Yano
三重県在住 DJ/Musicproducer。フロアライクなミニマルハウスをメインで作る一方、フォーマットにとらわれない形でフリーフォームなエレクトロニックミュージックも展開している。
Beat maker / DJ
Math.Beat Label主宰
地元三重は四日市を中心にBeat maker / ProducerをメインとしたMachine Live Eventを不定期開催。bandcampにてEPの発表や海外からテープもリリースしている。またBeat Grand Prix2015.2016と共に決勝へ出場し、自身も2016年にBeat Battle Eventを三重にて開催し、三重県外でも精力的にLive活動を行なっている。
■Various Artists / Different Forms
三重県を中心に活動をしている5名のBEAT MAKER、DJ、PRODUCERによるコンピレーション。
三重県というCLUB MUSICのやせた土地から生み出される今作は、そんな土地でも都市部に負けないシーンを生み出すことが出来るということを理解してもらえる作品となっている。
■daiki hayakawa
ゼロ年代から電子音響の世界へ。ビートミュージックの平野からrhythm & soundを展開中。bandcampにてこれまで2枚のEPを発表し、デザインやアートワークの制作も手掛ける。
VINYL ONLY、SCRATCH、2枚使いを念頭に現場での黒光りなPLAYを追求し続ける。MPC1000でのトラックメイクも並行し、ラッパーへの楽曲提供も行っている。
3枚のMIX CDの他に2017.3月には、過去の作品や未発表音源を収録したBEAT ALBUM「FIGMEMTS」を自主制作。STREETに向けて展開している。
■Tomohiro Yano
三重県在住 DJ/Musicproducer。フロアライクなミニマルハウスをメインで作る一方、フォーマットにとらわれない形でフリーフォームなエレクトロニックミュージックも展開している。
Beat maker / DJ
Math.Beat Label主宰
地元三重は四日市を中心にBeat maker / ProducerをメインとしたMachine Live Eventを不定期開催。bandcampにてEPの発表や海外からテープもリリースしている。またBeat Grand Prix2015.2016と共に決勝へ出場し、自身も2016年にBeat Battle Eventを三重にて開催し、三重県外でも精力的にLive活動を行なっている。
■レーベル名:Math. Beat Label
Tower Record
Disk Union
Tower Record
Disk Union
healing cream lucky wax / Relax Upper
"healing cream lucky wax" makes experimental song.
It is very interesting song.
Please listen and have enjoy.
It is very interesting song.
Please listen and have enjoy.
-madoka- / 毒と浄化 Poison and Purification
This song is so beautiful ambient sound.
Poison and Purification.
Please listen and have enjoy.
Mois / 寂寞 glacier
Mois makes negative music. This song is post rock song.
Please listen and have enjoy.
Please listen and have enjoy.
V.A / Different Forms
Various Artists
2SHAN , katafuta , Tomohiro Yano™ ,
daiki hayakawa , TR900
■Title name
Different Forms
Explanatory text of the work
Compilation by 5 BEAT MAKER, DJ, PRODUCER who are active mainly in Mie prefecture.
HIPHOP ~ TECHNO etc. This work which shows individuality to genre less
It seems that there is no sense of unification as a genre, and when listening from the beginning to the end, it is a work that makes a sense of a unique groove grown in rural areas.
This work produced from CLUB MUSIC 's sterile land called Mie prefecture has become a work that you can understand that such a land can produce a scene that can not be defeated to urban areas even in such land.
■ daiki hayakawa
From zero era to the world of electronic acoustics. Developing rhythm & sound from the beat music plain. He has released 2 EPs at bandcamp and also handles design and artwork production.
■ TR900
Acting based on Yokkaichi, familiar with Ableton, incorporating various hardware equipment and occasionally the essence of raw instruments, he creates free works that can not be caught in the genre framework centering on electronic sound.
HIPHOP based on Yokkaichi city, Mie prefecture.
VINYL ONLY, SCRATCH, continue to pursue a black light PLAY on the spot with two sheets in mind. Truck make-up at MPC 1000 is also in parallel, and we also offer music to rapper.
Besides three MIX CDs 2017. In March, they independently produced BEAT ALBUM "FIGMEMTS" which included past works and unreleased sound sources. It is developing for STREET.
■ Tomohiro Yano ™
DJ residing in Mie prefecture / Musicproducer. While making the floor-like minimalist main, it also develops free-form electronic music in a format-free form.
We are releasing from underground labels in Europe such as Romania and Italy.
■ katafuta
Beat maker / DJ
Math.Beat Label presided over
Regular Mie holds a Machine Live Event, mainly of Yokkaichi, with Beat maker / Producer as an occasional occasion. We released EP on bandcamp and released tapes from abroad. He also participated in the final with Beat Grand Prix 2015.2016, and he himself also held the Beat Battle Event in Mie in 2016 and is vigorously performing live activities outside Mie prefecture.
I'm roughly making something I feel comfortable in genre less.
2SHAN , katafuta , Tomohiro Yano™ ,
daiki hayakawa , TR900
■Title name
Different Forms
Explanatory text of the work
Compilation by 5 BEAT MAKER, DJ, PRODUCER who are active mainly in Mie prefecture.
HIPHOP ~ TECHNO etc. This work which shows individuality to genre less
It seems that there is no sense of unification as a genre, and when listening from the beginning to the end, it is a work that makes a sense of a unique groove grown in rural areas.
This work produced from CLUB MUSIC 's sterile land called Mie prefecture has become a work that you can understand that such a land can produce a scene that can not be defeated to urban areas even in such land.
■ daiki hayakawa
From zero era to the world of electronic acoustics. Developing rhythm & sound from the beat music plain. He has released 2 EPs at bandcamp and also handles design and artwork production.
■ TR900
Acting based on Yokkaichi, familiar with Ableton, incorporating various hardware equipment and occasionally the essence of raw instruments, he creates free works that can not be caught in the genre framework centering on electronic sound.
HIPHOP based on Yokkaichi city, Mie prefecture.
VINYL ONLY, SCRATCH, continue to pursue a black light PLAY on the spot with two sheets in mind. Truck make-up at MPC 1000 is also in parallel, and we also offer music to rapper.
Besides three MIX CDs 2017. In March, they independently produced BEAT ALBUM "FIGMEMTS" which included past works and unreleased sound sources. It is developing for STREET.
■ Tomohiro Yano ™
DJ residing in Mie prefecture / Musicproducer. While making the floor-like minimalist main, it also develops free-form electronic music in a format-free form.
We are releasing from underground labels in Europe such as Romania and Italy.
■ katafuta
Beat maker / DJ
Math.Beat Label presided over
Regular Mie holds a Machine Live Event, mainly of Yokkaichi, with Beat maker / Producer as an occasional occasion. We released EP on bandcamp and released tapes from abroad. He also participated in the final with Beat Grand Prix 2015.2016, and he himself also held the Beat Battle Event in Mie in 2016 and is vigorously performing live activities outside Mie prefecture.
I'm roughly making something I feel comfortable in genre less.
Math.Beat Label / Different Forms
[Math. is planned in Mie Japan, and it is the net label started in 2015.
Label owner is katafuta. Mie music label is very rare.
We will release the works focusing onmusic that fit into our life style.
Gently soothing beat music will keep you change the mood and penetrate into our daily life.We are also looking for Artists, designers etc.]
Mie music label is very rare.
Thay released compilation CD by 2SHAN, katafuta, Tomohiro Yano ™, daiki hayakawa, TR900 living in Mie prefecture.
Various Artists
2SHAN, katafuta, Tomohiro Yano ™,
Daiki hayakawa, TR 900
Title name
Different Forms
# Product number: MABE-001
■ Tax excluded price / tax included regular price
¥ 2,000 / ¥ 2,160
Release date: 2017/7/5 (Wed)
■ Label name: Math. Beat Label
■ Handling online dealer
Tower Record
Disk Union
■ Track List
1. All Over Again / 2 SHAN
2. Visual Imagery / katafuta
3.Compass / Tomohiro Yano ™
4.Ilford / daiki hayakawa
5.NoMn / TR900
6.fourg / katafuta
7. AGFA / daiki hayakawa
8.BIO / TR900
9. Lapaful (Invisible Fruit) / katafuta
10.Kodak / daiki hayakawa
11. LOUIS / 2 SHAN
12.arabickYamato / Tomohiro Yano ™
13.Chimney / TR900
15. Hotchkiss / Tomohiro Yano ™
[Math. is planned in Mie Japan, and it is the net label started in 2015.
Label owner is katafuta. Mie music label is very rare.
We will release the works focusing onmusic that fit into our life style.
Gently soothing beat music will keep you change the mood and penetrate into our daily life.We are also looking for Artists, designers etc.]
Mie music label is very rare.
Thay released compilation CD by 2SHAN, katafuta, Tomohiro Yano ™, daiki hayakawa, TR900 living in Mie prefecture.
Various Artists
2SHAN, katafuta, Tomohiro Yano ™,
Daiki hayakawa, TR 900
Title name
Different Forms
# Product number: MABE-001
■ Tax excluded price / tax included regular price
¥ 2,000 / ¥ 2,160
Release date: 2017/7/5 (Wed)
■ Label name: Math. Beat Label
■ Handling online dealer
Tower Record
Disk Union
■ Track List
1. All Over Again / 2 SHAN
2. Visual Imagery / katafuta
3.Compass / Tomohiro Yano ™
4.Ilford / daiki hayakawa
5.NoMn / TR900
6.fourg / katafuta
7. AGFA / daiki hayakawa
8.BIO / TR900
9. Lapaful (Invisible Fruit) / katafuta
10.Kodak / daiki hayakawa
11. LOUIS / 2 SHAN
12.arabickYamato / Tomohiro Yano ™
13.Chimney / TR900
15. Hotchkiss / Tomohiro Yano ™
Uncompleted song compilation by Sleep Jam Records
Sleep Jam Records Presents, Uncompleted song compilation.
List of Participants. Please check it out.
01 melbel - 未完星
02 XSCOT - message
03 タイコ部長 - Dream floating
04 赤城ヰト - better fetter in the letter
05 AKR-FITW - Planet of Mandarin orange
06 arika - 自由の風
07 Hideki Takimoto - Cry For The Sun (Dub)
08 OKazAKi - .io-
10 loveles - unfinished
11 The Plateaus - eyestype1
12 愛咲也 - 感情スパイラル
13 Haiku - A moment of light
14 Feed the Delusion - mirror
15 kai shibata - the color
16 Lucky Boy - kurasutera(NOT COMPLETE)
17 House Of Tapes - RIOT CITY BOY
List of Participants. Please check it out.
01 melbel - 未完星
02 XSCOT - message
03 タイコ部長 - Dream floating
04 赤城ヰト - better fetter in the letter
05 AKR-FITW - Planet of Mandarin orange
06 arika - 自由の風
07 Hideki Takimoto - Cry For The Sun (Dub)
08 OKazAKi - .io-
10 loveles - unfinished
11 The Plateaus - eyestype1
12 愛咲也 - 感情スパイラル
13 Haiku - A moment of light
14 Feed the Delusion - mirror
15 kai shibata - the color
16 Lucky Boy - kurasutera(NOT COMPLETE)
17 House Of Tapes - RIOT CITY BOY
Haiku / Komorebi
Haiku is Electronica and post rock musician.
This song is very calm and gentle.
Pease listen and have enjoy.
Force Records / Takuma Iwakawa INTERVIEW
Now, in Indie label "Force Records" of momentum in Japan
I asked Mr. Takuma Iwakawa, that label owner.
Now, in Indie label "Force Records" of momentum in Japan
I asked Mr. Takuma Iwakawa, that label owner.
Mr. Takuma Iwakawa resides in Fukuoka prefecture,
It is also a musician who creates dance music.
That roots seems to be in childhood.
"There is an environment to listen to CLASSIC music at record in childhood,
JAZZ ・ MOVIE MUSIC ・ HIPHOP ・ TECHNO (electronic genres in general) ・ ROCK ・ R & B etc,
I began to listen to various genres besides CLASSIC.
Started making music in the head from the third grade of elementary school, purchasing music equipments in the late teens, started music activities, and has reached the present.
It seems that I will not stop making music & listening to my life forever, I became like that music lover. "
I asked Mr. Takuma who likes music what he thought of setting up his own label.
"I have a lot of talented artists on the Internet and I strongly wish to help them expand their music.
I felt the impulse and motivation for their music activities strongly, so I started to think about wanting to directly support artists by setting up an independent label. "
"We have launched a label called RockRiverRecords (now transferred to Mr. ZOOYA) and was active.
However, due to problems of health and vitality, I delegated activities once, but again motivation for activity revived, I set up a new Force Records and started running it. "
I heard about the future prospects of label activities.
"Force Records wanted to operate based on concepts seeking music that can feel the positive influence on listeners, such as getting power, getting energy, increasing motivation to work, etc. I am thinking (this is the element of music I think myself needs as well).
Currently, thanks to constantly being able to release artist's songs constantly, it is a trial and error process aiming at improving the recognition of labels to further listener layers.
I always want to further advance the activities of the label that will help the artist's songs spread further, and I am constantly aiming to steadily draw ideas and lead to the development of the label. "
Finally, a message from Takuma to the listener.
"I am considering various ideas for increasing the number of points of contact between listeners who like music and are enjoying purely,
Since there may be many points that will not be reached, I'd appreciate it if you would like us to join your opinion as a listener's participation to the label. "
"We aim to be a" beloved "label by listeners. I certainly want to give you help.
Thank you for your continued support of the label Force Records and warm support for personal music activities. "
Mr. Takuma seriously faced with music, seriously making music and managing the label seriously.
A sincere thought to that music leads to love from the listener, both he and the label will make further leap.
It is also a musician who creates dance music.
That roots seems to be in childhood.
"There is an environment to listen to CLASSIC music at record in childhood,
JAZZ ・ MOVIE MUSIC ・ HIPHOP ・ TECHNO (electronic genres in general) ・ ROCK ・ R & B etc,
I began to listen to various genres besides CLASSIC.
Started making music in the head from the third grade of elementary school, purchasing music equipments in the late teens, started music activities, and has reached the present.
It seems that I will not stop making music & listening to my life forever, I became like that music lover. "
I asked Mr. Takuma who likes music what he thought of setting up his own label.
"I have a lot of talented artists on the Internet and I strongly wish to help them expand their music.
I felt the impulse and motivation for their music activities strongly, so I started to think about wanting to directly support artists by setting up an independent label. "
"We have launched a label called RockRiverRecords (now transferred to Mr. ZOOYA) and was active.
However, due to problems of health and vitality, I delegated activities once, but again motivation for activity revived, I set up a new Force Records and started running it. "
I heard about the future prospects of label activities.
"Force Records wanted to operate based on concepts seeking music that can feel the positive influence on listeners, such as getting power, getting energy, increasing motivation to work, etc. I am thinking (this is the element of music I think myself needs as well).
Currently, thanks to constantly being able to release artist's songs constantly, it is a trial and error process aiming at improving the recognition of labels to further listener layers.
I always want to further advance the activities of the label that will help the artist's songs spread further, and I am constantly aiming to steadily draw ideas and lead to the development of the label. "
Finally, a message from Takuma to the listener.
"I am considering various ideas for increasing the number of points of contact between listeners who like music and are enjoying purely,
Since there may be many points that will not be reached, I'd appreciate it if you would like us to join your opinion as a listener's participation to the label. "
"We aim to be a" beloved "label by listeners. I certainly want to give you help.
Thank you for your continued support of the label Force Records and warm support for personal music activities. "
Mr. Takuma seriously faced with music, seriously making music and managing the label seriously.
A sincere thought to that music leads to love from the listener, both he and the label will make further leap.
今、日本で勢いのあるインディレーベル"Force Records"の
レーベルオーナーのTakuma Iwakawa氏に話を聞いた。
Takuma Iwakawa氏は福岡県在住、
しかし健康上やバイタリティーの問題もあり一旦は活動を委譲しましたが、再び活動意欲が沸き立ちまして、新たにForce Recordsを設立して運営を始めました」
「Force Recordsは、チカラをもらえる、元気がもらえる、活動する意欲が増す、などのリスナーへの好影響要素を感じる事のできるような音楽を求めての、コンセプトに基づいた運営をしていきたいと考えています。(これは私自身が自分にも必要と考える音楽の要素です。)
これからもレーベルのForce Recordsと、私個人の音楽活動への暖かいサポートを、よろしくお願いいたします」
Senji Niban / New Year Jam #2
Senji Niban is Japanese Techno and electronic musician. His sound is acid and cool.
Please listen and Enjoy.
Please listen and Enjoy.
Nagoya-Elektronic- Fes 2017 Summer Holding decision!
Nagoya-Elektronic- Fes 2017 Summer
Holding decision!
9月2日(sat)@spazio_rita, Nagoya, Japan.
・SOMA 奏間
・House Of Tapes
VJ ・つかさハニー
Holding decision!
9月2日(sat)@spazio_rita, Nagoya, Japan.
・SOMA 奏間
・House Of Tapes
VJ ・つかさハニー
kai shibata / Dirty Blue (2)
The genre called EBM was temporarily known to the world with Marilyn Manson as the lead.
However, the genre never becomes a boom globally,
People doing genre called EBM in Japan do not know as far as I know.
I have noticed the genre called EBM, which has not become a boom in the world yet,
It was meumeu that I wanted to try to arrange the song .
We also incorporated elements such as technoise and EDM.
[Dirty Blue]
Recently the popular EDM genre is a song with western synths in African folk music.
I used Indian stringed instruments to strengthen ethnic elements.
In addition to incorporating FX etc. often used for EDM,
By arranging perfect silence, etc.,
I aimed for a song that is not caught in an existing genre.
Also organizer of the event "legal" where many Martine Record musicians are scheduled to appear, Mr. yackle who is also a track maker got a mix of songs.
マリリン マンソンを筆頭にEBMというジャンルが一時的に世界に知れ渡った。
[Dirty Blue]
kai shibata / Dirty Blue (1)
kai shibata profile
Kai shibata pursues exquisite beauty that was broken down,
A 20 year old truckmaker living in Tokyo who creates experimental music.
When his started writing compositions for contemporary art installation works,
His touched the pleasures of composition and started composing from last summer.
Composer and designer suppa micro pamchopp was acclaimed and used his sounds for DJ.
Frasco that Ryuichi Sakamoto is acclaimed. Kai shibata has been evaluated from frasco.
He is getting noticed from various aspects such as contemporary art and music.
kai shibata プロフィール
作曲の楽しさに触れ去年の夏から作曲を始める。作曲家兼デザイナーのsuppa micro pamchoppが絶賛しDJに使用したり、
Swamp Sounds / Burn Synapse
Swamp Sounds uploaded a new song "Burn Synapse" to the soundcloud.
Please listen and enjoy.
Please listen and enjoy.
Furopon / Bare Light Bulb
Furopon is Japanese electronic musician. This sound is IDM. Please listen and enjoy.
Miiche / Wa-Dance
Miiche's new track is Japanese traditional trance dance sound. Please listen and enjoy.
House Of Tapes / "HEAVY HEAVEN" (download free)
House Of Tapes's new EP "HEAVY HEAVEN" You can be downloaded for free in Bandcamp.
Please check this.
Please check this.
Hiroyuki Komagata / His favorites albums vol.2
Hiroyuki Komagata resides in Niigata prefecture.
In 2012 he released the sound source mainly at soundcloud, was strongly influenced by Mogwai, making the post rock music song mainly.
His favorites albums are...
[People Like People Like you / Spokes]
I think that it is a band that is not well known.
I think that people who like the ten albums listed here are absolutely hooked.
[S / T / This Will Destroy You]
Although I do not listen to roar system post rock so much, after all the completion of this album is overwhelming, so it is another. Everyone loves Post Rock lovers.
[Eingya / Helios]
I always refer to how Helios' sound is dirty, how to assemble the beat, and so on.
I often listen when I want to make songs that are electroclassy.
[Latin / Holy Fuck]
Anyway the sound feels great. The flow of the 1st and 2nd songs is truly cool and stands gooseflesh.
[Everywhere and Right Here / The Six Paris Seven]
When I want to gently, the best feeling match album. Even now I listen well.
Grab your copy of the track on Beatport:
Hiroyuki Komagataは、新潟県在住。
[People Like People Like you / Spokes]
[S/T / This Will Destroy You]
[Eingya / Helios]
[Latin / Holy Fuck]
[Everywhere and Right Here / The Six Paris Seven]
In 2012 he released the sound source mainly at soundcloud, was strongly influenced by Mogwai, making the post rock music song mainly.
His favorites albums are...
[People Like People Like you / Spokes]
I think that it is a band that is not well known.
I think that people who like the ten albums listed here are absolutely hooked.
[S / T / This Will Destroy You]
Although I do not listen to roar system post rock so much, after all the completion of this album is overwhelming, so it is another. Everyone loves Post Rock lovers.
[Eingya / Helios]
I always refer to how Helios' sound is dirty, how to assemble the beat, and so on.
I often listen when I want to make songs that are electroclassy.
[Latin / Holy Fuck]
Anyway the sound feels great. The flow of the 1st and 2nd songs is truly cool and stands gooseflesh.
[Everywhere and Right Here / The Six Paris Seven]
When I want to gently, the best feeling match album. Even now I listen well.
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Hiroyuki Komagataは、新潟県在住。
[People Like People Like you / Spokes]
[S/T / This Will Destroy You]
[Eingya / Helios]
[Latin / Holy Fuck]
[Everywhere and Right Here / The Six Paris Seven]
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Hiroyuki Komagata / His favorites albums vol.1
Hiroyuki Komagata resides in Niigata prefecture.
In 2012 he released the sound source mainly at soundcloud, was strongly influenced by Mogwai, making the post rock music song mainly.
His favorites albums are...
[Rock Action / Mogwai]
When I listen to the arpeggio of "2 Rights Make 1 Wrong", I think that my songwriting has begun. It is the origin and eternal longing.
[In A Safe Place / The Album Leaf]
All songs are wonderful, of course, only two songs at the beginning are enough for me.
The pad sound of "Window" is enough to move the mind, and it is totally overwhelmed by "Thure" rose piano.
[A Data Leam the Language / The Mercury Program]
Compared to album leaf etc., it will be a band with a very impressive feeling
Inevitably, it is emotional, it is atmospheric and raises the feeling of immersion.
[S / T / Remember Remember]
When listening for the first time on Mogwai's undercard, I was honestly bad,
Somehow, I got a big hit if I bought a CD.
The stacking soundscape is really emotional.
[Agates Byrjun / Sigur Ros]
After all, this 2nd is my favorite in Sigur Ros's work.
Because it thinks that it is music which is absolutely unreachable.
The fourth song "Flugufrelsarinn" is a song I would like to listen to absolutely when I die.
The rest is tomorrow.
[Rock Action / Mogwai]
"2 Rights Make 1 Wrong"のアルペジオを聴いた時、僕の楽曲制作が始まったのだと思います。原点であり、永遠の憧れです。
[In A Safe Place / The Album Leaf]
[A Data Leam the Language / The Mercury Program]
[S/T / Remember Remember]
[Agates Byrjun / Sigur Ros]
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In 2012 he released the sound source mainly at soundcloud, was strongly influenced by Mogwai, making the post rock music song mainly.
His favorites albums are...
[Rock Action / Mogwai]
When I listen to the arpeggio of "2 Rights Make 1 Wrong", I think that my songwriting has begun. It is the origin and eternal longing.
[In A Safe Place / The Album Leaf]
All songs are wonderful, of course, only two songs at the beginning are enough for me.
The pad sound of "Window" is enough to move the mind, and it is totally overwhelmed by "Thure" rose piano.
[A Data Leam the Language / The Mercury Program]
Compared to album leaf etc., it will be a band with a very impressive feeling
Inevitably, it is emotional, it is atmospheric and raises the feeling of immersion.
[S / T / Remember Remember]
When listening for the first time on Mogwai's undercard, I was honestly bad,
Somehow, I got a big hit if I bought a CD.
The stacking soundscape is really emotional.
[Agates Byrjun / Sigur Ros]
After all, this 2nd is my favorite in Sigur Ros's work.
Because it thinks that it is music which is absolutely unreachable.
The fourth song "Flugufrelsarinn" is a song I would like to listen to absolutely when I die.
The rest is tomorrow.
Hiroyuki Komagataは、新潟県在住。
[Rock Action / Mogwai]
"2 Rights Make 1 Wrong"のアルペジオを聴いた時、僕の楽曲制作が始まったのだと思います。原点であり、永遠の憧れです。
[In A Safe Place / The Album Leaf]
[A Data Leam the Language / The Mercury Program]
[S/T / Remember Remember]
[Agates Byrjun / Sigur Ros]
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monsiurbeat / His musicality

monsiurbeat is a Japanese male singer-songwriter. Acting as producer and truck manufacturer of female vocal work. Position preservation of net label "Positive Records". It is also a member of the rock band · BaaBoo FAZ (keyboard manager), and when he is active as BaaBoo FAZ, he calls "BAABOO MUSH". The original story of the name is "The Tsunku Beat".
The English notation "monsiurbeat" is a misspelling, but it is used as it is as a proper noun.
It is J-POP which emphasizes melody and lyrics. Although it can be said that it is similar to electronic music because of heavy typing, it is a strange record presided over record · The electronic musical element of "monsiurbeat" by Yamaoka Lost child is for expressing pop and his music genre is not techno "As indicated in the remarks, it does not place much emphasis on being electronic music (songs composed only of acoustic musical instruments and bands organized by live performances also exist).
In fact, the musicality that is in the background is extremely miscellaneous, ranging from rock to noise, symphony by orchestral sound, enka, idol songs, folk, techno pop, piano ballads and so on.
In the past, insistence on vocals was poor, and excessive vocal effect was frequently used, but from around 2013 it is relatively inclined to "music that makes the songs listen" relatively straight.
Besides the work sung by himself, there are works using female vocals and works using vocaloids.
Many of the themes of lyrics deal with love affairs, especially unrequited love and broken heart. It is also said to be "Rusanchiman and adoration to the romantic love life is the basis".
Yamaoka Lost child is told that "Although it is life-size, it is also like a rock star."
The main activity field is the online label online, and offline is the live house. It is not very aggressive to contribute to movie sites such as Nico Nico Douga and YouTube and appearance to clubs.
In addition, while active actively on the net label, on the other hand, he is not very much aimed at club music.
Regarding Musashi's musicality, I am familiar with "other best vest" by Toshihiko Furukawa writing.
Theムッシュビ♂ト(ザ ムッシュビート)は、日本の男性シンガーソングライター。女性ボーカル作品のプロデューサーやトラックメーカーとしても活動。ネットレーベル「ポジティヴレコーズ」主宰。ロックバンド・BaaBooFAZのメンバー(キーボード担当)でもあり、BaaBooFAZとしての活動時は「BAABOOムッシュ」と名乗る。名義の元ネタは「THEつんくビ♂ト」。
事実、バックグラウンドとなっている音楽性は極めて雑多であり、 ロックからノイズ、オーケストラサウンドによる交響曲、演歌、アイドル歌謡、フォーク、テクノポップ、ピアノバラードなど、多岐に及ぶ。
guitarsisyo / gift to her
Born in Kagawa prefecture.
An artist who expresses a sound that colors a scene mainly on a melancholic guitar.
Three albums called "Life is dictionary (2014)" "clearance time (2015)" "good bye my home town (2016)" called "gallop ep (2013)" "cherry blossom blooming (2014)" We released two EPs online.
From the student days alone we do activities on DTM production with guitar, keyboard etc.
After that, I moved the base of activities to Osaka and started band activities, starting solo activities from 2012, and shifting to production at DAW. Live activities in solo started from 2014. Currently I return to Kagawa and mainly work on production.
In addition to music, I also serve as a personality for podcast program "SCL CohenTime!" And "CohenTime 10".
In domestic artists, they are influenced by artists such as Spangle call lilli line, toe, perfume, and Tatsuro Yamashita, artists such as mice parade, Squarepusher, i am robot and proud abroad.
We release the first nationwide distribution album "gift to her" in July 2016.
これまでに『Life is dictionary(2014)』『clearance time(2015)』『good bye my home town(2016)』という3枚のアルバム、『gallop e.p.(2013)』『cherry blossom blooming(2014)』という2枚のEPをオンライン・リリースしている。
国内アーティストでは、Spangle call lilli line、toe、perfume、山下達郎といったアーティストに、国外ではmice parade、Squarepusher、i am robot and proudといったアーティストなどに影響を受けている。
2016年7月初の全国流通版アルバム『gift to her』をリリースする。
Hiroyuki Komagata / GARDEN (Japanese article)
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Hiroyuki Komagataの”Garden”を再生すれば、一瞬で、どこまでも広がる草原に行ける。
Hiroyuki Komagataは、新潟県在住。
筆者は、Mogwaiだけでなく、伝説のポストロックバンド、Saxon Shoreのような叙情性をも感じた。
筆者は、Mogwaiだけでなく、伝説のポストロックバンド、Saxon Shoreのような叙情性をも感じた。
Hiroyuki Komagataからのメッセージを。
AKR-FITW™ self-introduction.

【AKR-FITW™ self-introduction】
I am a Japanese, President of Cyber Frog Recordz.
I make music with iPhone (iOS app) only.
As a style of music, it is the thing which was added to the old style techno pop taste of electronica to the base.
While the electronica of I'm making, it is music that incorporates the old style of techno pop.
AKR-FITW™(iTunes) https://itun.es/jp/gsqM- https://itun.es/jp/13hc9
Cyber Frog Recordz公式・AKR-FITW™(bandcamp)
AKR-FITW™ (Spotify) https://open.spotify.com/artist/3bypxSbj2INbe2BhKvg0Nv
His name is sonic.
His name is sonic.
He likes to make music and to write illustrations.
He is prolific and makes unique songs.
He likes to make music and to write illustrations.
He is prolific and makes unique songs.
Hiroyuki Komagata / GARDEN
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If you play Hiroyuki Komagata's "Garden", you can go to the steppe spreading in the moment.
It is lyrical and magnificent post rock though glittery!
Hiroyuki Komagata resides in Niigata prefecture.
In 2012 he released the sound source mainly at soundcloud, was strongly influenced by Mogwai, making the post rock music song mainly.
I also felt lyrics like Mogwai, as well as the legendary post rock band, Saxon Shore.
I talked to him about the EP "Garden" with three songs.
"It was a song created by a student who used my songs for my movie before I was asked to create one song for a new movie." "The movie is a youth setting in the near future Although it is a Blue Blue Drama, it was pretty tragic last, but I made songs like hopes that it would be different whether music was depressed or not. "
Yes, there is a positive hope in this EP.
If you listen to Garden, the wind blows through the eternal garden without fading.
Undo gives us a touch that will never disappear.
Tomorrow will have a strong hope for tomorrow.
Message from Hiroyuki Komagata.
"I can not even do musical instruments by myself, although I am reckless but instrumental with only sound, I made it while suffering a struggle.What if anything, I thought that what makes emotional things to move people 's mind, Even if alone, if you feel something with your songs, there is nothing to say, that alone is enough for me. "
He says that he is now expanding his image with vocaloids to make songs.
If he has enough sensitivity to move a person's heart, he must be able to listen to evergreen songs again.
House Of Tapes / GHOSTLY LOVE
House Of Tapes's EP, "GHOSTLY LOVE" is a work that combines a beautiful part of an electronic music and an awesome part.
"GHOSTLY LOVE" of the title song starts from the rampaging tone, and develops in colorfully at a stretch.
However, although it should be pop, such as repetitive voice and synth sound, it has some dark impression.
Subsequently, "INSOMNIA" is noisy from the beginning, violent as if the mysterious voice was crazy even though he / she cares.
Finally, "WHITE NIGHT" is a melody main, but this also has a dark sound image, a magical impression.
House Of Tapes is conscious of "evolution, deepening and change", but this is his current answer.
You can enjoy a different sound from him.
Free download from here.
"GHOSTLY LOVE" of the title song starts from the rampaging tone, and develops in colorfully at a stretch.
However, although it should be pop, such as repetitive voice and synth sound, it has some dark impression.
Subsequently, "INSOMNIA" is noisy from the beginning, violent as if the mysterious voice was crazy even though he / she cares.
Finally, "WHITE NIGHT" is a melody main, but this also has a dark sound image, a magical impression.
House Of Tapes is conscious of "evolution, deepening and change", but this is his current answer.
You can enjoy a different sound from him.
Free download from here.
Japanese Indie Electronic Musicians.
This is a site introducing Japanese Indie electronic musicians.
Nagoya-Elektronic-Fes2017 1月28日(土)名古屋spazio rita
2017年1月28日(土)名古屋spazio rita
hayakawa daiki
House Of Tapes
open/start 17:30/18:00
adv/door \2000/\2500(without 1D)
2017年1月28日(土)名古屋spazio rita
hayakawa daiki
House Of Tapes
open/start 17:30/18:00
adv/door \2000/\2500(without 1D)
Kria. / R
Post classical unit by Shin (composer) and Juni (Vo) which started from the summer of 2015.
The singing voice that spins out the coined word is innocent like a girl who is innocent, and the sound is gloomy and has a gentle sound, while feeling a pale sentiment and introverted poison.
Strings. Piano. Synthesizer. And a whisper voice that gently melts into noise. The theme of this tune is "love" and, as played, it's getting more like the wind that blows through the air.
[Apple Music URL]
The singing voice that spins out the coined word is innocent like a girl who is innocent, and the sound is gloomy and has a gentle sound, while feeling a pale sentiment and introverted poison.
Strings. Piano. Synthesizer. And a whisper voice that gently melts into noise. The theme of this tune is "love" and, as played, it's getting more like the wind that blows through the air.
[Apple Music URL]
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